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Ressources: Texte

Map of the Permaculture Bretagne group

Want to appear on this map?

(For the moment, we must proceed to a manual addition via the administrators of the Permaculture Bretagne group)

*indicate your pseudo* profile url if desired, and a short description (how we contact you for example).

To make a project appear, the same, give the details of the project (site url, location, etc.) and it will appear on the map.

It's a start, a bit of indulgence eh.

Ressources: HTML intégré

UPP post-CCP student card

People's University of Permaculture

You will see appear on this map by skill sought, or by skill to bring by petal, all the people concerned near you. You can register on the UPP website: prerequisite to have done a CCP in permaculture.

Ressources: HTML intégré

©2020 by Association Rêv'olution

The Garden of the Roc..K 56800 Ploërmel

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