Holistic territory management
" A tool of resilience at the service of men
and the environment"

The Holistic management of the Territories is a methodology resulting from different currents of thought, economic, ecological.
It puts in symbiosis tools of action of paradigm change like " the economy of functionality and cooperation " "learning by action" " schools of production " the " eco-food poles » « permaculture » “ agroecology ” and “ alternative pedagogies ”

The common thread is a garden, both for food production but also for the exchange of knowledge and know-how, creating cooperation and links between people in the same territory.
It can take various forms such as a garden in a school environment, in a university environment, a pilot training garden, bio-intensive and/or permaculture production plots. The scope of the project is determined by the space available, the possible hours of presence, the different actors involved in a territory while respecting the rhythm of nature.
Thus the garden connects all strata of society and marks the starting point of a collective adventure, free, participatory and driven by common objectives.
Invented by Fabien Tournan, the holistic management of territories is a type of modus operandi of the economy of functionality and cooperation through learning-by-action methods.
This modus operandi makes it possible to respond to current societal, economic and environmental challenges. It is a holistic methodology support for economic players, local authorities and civil society towards more food security.
It is based on a planning tool which brings out a common thread for gaining autonomy percentages in terms of food and energy security.
The holistic management of territories pursues an objective of resilience both by optimizing the actors and resources present but also by the relocation of food production areas in the form of micro-farms that can meet the primary needs of people in a more autonomous vis-à-vis fossil fuels and thus reduce the fragility of our models.
Implicitly, this approach requires for the sustainability of the projects undertaken to raise awareness and train young people in greater resilience and the ability to cooperate in complex environments. Thus the holistic management of territories takes on an essential educational dimension resulting in the implementation of pilot garden projects within schools and universities. She offers simple, accessible and easily duplicable tools for the services of teachers, facilitators and supervising staff.
It proposes a step-by-step reorganization of civil society, based on citizens, associative networks, students, pupils of all levels, parents of pupils, teachers, craftsmen, territorial staff, retired elderly people .
The objective is to reintegrate civil society (stated above) with producers (farmers/breeders) and craftsmen in order to support and make possible a relocation of farmers and actors of basic necessities (food/housing/medicine) in the societal landscape necessary for the sovereignty of any region dependent on supplies from tractor-trailers and boats traveling thousands of miles.
The "Holistic Management of Territories" revolves around several axes, including that of transforming a linear economy (produce, consume, throw away) towards a circular economy in which certain apparently negative externalities (waste, CO2 etc.) become reusable tangible resources.
This approach also requires that all the players in the social and economic landscape come together and results in the creation of certainly economic values (energy savings, food production, transformation of waste into resources) but also of social value (creation of jobs, intergenerational links, cooperation and collaboration of horizons that seem at first glance to oppose each other) and finally of the environmental value by limiting the impact of human activities on the ecosystem.
Fabien Tournan, pioneer and designer of this methodology, the result of an empirical approach of more than 20 years internationally and in France, provides operational roadmaps offering a reading grid that can be adapted to the specific situations of each territory in order to extract the ingredients of its social, economic and climatic ecosystem. From there begins a puzzle to build the first stone.
This approach promotes a global vision of management of territories by interconnecting all the actors that make them up. By creating societal value, the holistic management of territories brings a feeling of restful joy on the reappropriation of his freedom to provide for some of his primary needs independently through a dynamic of exchanges and sharing.
The agricultural techniques of yesteryear improved by today's know-how are not enough, it is necessary to make food production cohabit in urban areas with that of rural areas, hence the challenge of learning to work in cooperation. nourished by a common global vision and inhabited by values of solidarity, resilience and sharing
André Voisin , "the productivity of grass"
Holistic Management by Allan Savary
Dominique Soltner, John Jevons , Alan Chadwick , Martin Fortier for food production,
Elise Freinet and Celestin Freinet , Maria Montessori , Ovide Decroly, Steiner-Waldorf ,