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Acerca of


The sanctuary

The sanctuary is composed of 3 elements :

1) The preservation dome

In this time of profound environmental challenges and damage, we believe it is of the utmost importance to create a protected sanctuary to protect essential insects like bees, butterflies, worms as well as key plants that could be reproduced and shared to be able to recover other places where the conditions will have become better again.

We propose to create a dome-shaped structure similar to those used by the Eden Project in the UK, but with radio frequencies protecting from any actual or possible future RF pollution (including the 5G satellite network) as well as a nano-particle air filtration system to avoid any form of pollution from geo-engineering.


2) The reforestation nursery

The forests of the world are increasingly being destroyed and although some countries have started to reforest, it is essential that we replant very diverse and dense forests everywhere and having a massive nursery for this purpose is essential.

3)  The positive high frequency transmitter

Numerous studies have shown that meditation, maieutic chanting and other practices or forms and objects create highly beneficial frequencies for insects, plants, humans and the entire planet. We would like to create a specific place for this purpose, probably in the middle of the preservation dome.


What we have to carry out the sanctuary project:

What we need to complete the sanctuary project:

-Knowledge of how to organize such a project, knowledge of how to set up infrastructure, knowledge of plants and insects to create the right environment for them, and knowledge of managing a team to that.

-The good ground
-Infrastructure (including permits and materials)
-The team (to help us organize and manage the project)

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Our project promotes a lifestyle free from the use of cannabis, tobacco, alcohol and any other drug.


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